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Work-Life Balance While Working from Home

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Work-Life Balance While Working from Home

Work-Life Balance While Working from Home

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Work-Life Balance While Working from Home


In the wake of the global pandemic, the concept of work-life balance has taken on a whole new meaning as more and more people transitioned to working from home.

The boundaries between work and personal life have become increasingly blurred, presenting unique challenges in maintaining a healthy balance.

According to recent statistics, a staggering 82% of remote workers struggle with work-life balance, with many reporting longer working hours and difficulty disconnecting from work-related tasks. These statistics highlight the urgent need for effective strategies and practices to ensure work and personal life coexist harmoniously in the remote work environment.

All of this means that while working from home might seem to be more relaxing, it can also be every bit as stressful as schlepping to the office—if not more so. Indeed, one recent survey of 7,000 professionals found that 73% of workers feel burned out, compared to 61% before the pandemic, with a large portion blaming a lack of separation between work and life. The good news is that we’re all in this together, and slowly but surely we’re adapting to the new normal.

Here are some tips to help maintain that precious work-life balance when traditional barriers have all but crumbled. In this article, we will explore practical approaches, time management techniques, and self-care strategies that can help you achieve a fulfilling work-life balance while working from home.

Impact of work from home on Work-life Balance

The shift to working from home has had a significant impact on work-life balance, both positive and negative. Here are some key impacts to consider:

  • Increased flexibility: Working from home has provided individuals with greater flexibility in managing their work and personal responsibilities. The ability to create customized schedules and eliminate commuting time has allowed for more control over the allocation of time and has the potential to enhance work-life balance.
  • Blurred boundaries: One of the main challenges of working from home is the blurring of boundaries between work and personal life. With the absence of a physical separation between the office and home, it can be challenging to switch off from work and establish clear boundaries. This can lead to longer working hours, difficulty disconnecting, and a higher risk of work encroaching on personal time.
  • Increased productivity: Some individuals have experienced increased productivity while working from home due to fewer interruptions and distractions commonly found in office settings. The ability to work in a more comfortable and personalized environment can enhance focus and efficiency, potentially freeing up more time for personal activities and improving work-life balance.
  • Social isolation: Working from home can result in increased social isolation, as the daily interactions and social connections that come with being in an office environment are diminished. This lack of social interaction can impact overall well-being and work-life balance, as human connection is an essential component of a balanced and fulfilling life.
  • Family and caregiving responsibilities: For those with family or caregiving responsibilities, working from home can provide an opportunity for better integration of work and personal life. Being present for family needs and having more flexibility to attend to caregiving responsibilities can contribute positively to work-life balance.

It is important to recognize that the impact of working from home on work-life balance can vary depending on individual circumstances and preferences. Employers and individuals should actively address the challenges posed by remote work to ensure a healthy balance between work and personal life.

Top 5 Tips To Maintain Work-Life Balance while working from home

  • Create a Schedule and Set Boundaries

You wake up in the morning, reach for your phone, and respond to your first email of the day. Pour a cup of coffee while responding to your boss’s slack. Organize a Zoom conference while making breakfast for the family. You speak on the phone with a client while supervising the kids’ virtual learning. At what point does the work day actually begin? When does it end?

One of the biggest problems with working remotely is the blurred boundary between home life and work life. This wasn’t a problem previously since you arrived at the office in the morning and left in the afternoon. This created physical and psychological boundaries for work time.

These days, however, creating such distinctions takes a bit more effort. You must establish a schedule for when and where you work. Try to contain all of your work hours to your dedicated home office, whatever form it takes.

Create a special routine for “logging off” from your day, so you aren’t tempted to check work emails when you are with the kids or making dinner. Establishing these firm boundaries can also make it easier for your coworkers to know when to get in touch with you.

  • Take Breaks

In the office, we turned breaks into rituals. Taking the long way to the printer to get some extra steps in. Walking across the building to chat with a coworker instead of calling her on the phone. Taking the steps instead of the elevator. Walking downstairs to buy your salad. All of these rituals represented natural breaking points that allowed us to leave our workstations to reflect and regroup between tasks.

It’s not as easy when working from home. The bathroom is across the hall. The kitchen is two doors down. Your coworker’s desk is thirty miles away. Taking breaks has to be more intentional nowadays. Whenever you can, take a ten or fifteen-minute walk to decompress. Spend some time chatting with a family member or roommate. Take the dog for a walk. 

  •  Reimagine the Water Cooler

The office wasn’t just about getting work done. It was a place to socialize, to make new friends, and to enjoy basic human interaction. Many find they are more productive while working remotely, but not even the most tricked-out home office can replace the comradery found in a traditional conference room.

We might not be able to hang out with our coworkers in person, but even a simple after-work Zoom call can work wonders for morale. Schedule some time each week to discuss that latest Netflix show, book, or football game—anything non-work related to help recreate the proverbial water cooler. Remember, it’s all about nurturing social support to help you decompress and build lasting relationships.

  • Get Those Steps In

Before the pandemic, the average American walked some 5,800 steps per day. For many folks, commuting and roaming office corridors represented a large chunk of their daily movement. Without a commute, your step count can drop off a cliff—which means bad things for your physical and psychological wellbeing.

Whenever you can, take a stroll outside to enjoy the great outdoors. Studies show that simply breathing fresh can lead to better decision-making and higher information processing. So do your body and mind a favor by trying to walk for at least thirty minutes every day, which will also help keep work-life balance in harmony.

  • Don’t Neglect That Vacation Time

Burnout is every bit as likely while working remotely. Everyone needs some extended time off, so don’t forget to use your vacation time. Yes, it’s still there, even though you’re working from home! One study found that Americans put in nearly 3+ hours per day working from home. So if you aren’t careful, exhaustion can sneak up on you fast.

You’ve earned that vacation time, so don’t be afraid to use it—even if you spend it at home sleeping! Tilt that work life balance needle towards some relaxation time. Your body and brain need time to recharge, and you deserve some quality time to yourself.


Achieving work-life balance while working from home is a vital goal for individuals seeking to maintain their well-being, productivity, and overall satisfaction. The impacts of remote work on work-life balance are a mixed bag. With increased flexibility and potential for increased productivity, also comes the risk of blurred boundaries and social isolation. Recognizing and addressing these challenges is crucial.

This is where Woliba comes in. You can access a wealth of valuable content, including informative articles, practical tips, and interactive courses in Woliba. Our community provides a supportive space where you can connect with like-minded individuals, share experiences, and learn from one another.

Don’t let the demands of remote work take a toll on your well-being and personal life. Take control of your work-life balance today with Woliba. Contact us now to embark on a journey towards a more fulfilling, harmonious, and successful remote work experience. Together, we can help you thrive in both your professional and personal life.

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