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Top Benefits of Workplace Wellbeing

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Benefits of Workplace Wellbeing

Top Benefits of Workplace Wellbeing

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Benefits of Workplace Wellbeing


Don’t think workplace wellbeing is that big of a deal? Think again. Recent studies show that 74% of employees would work longer hours if their employer were empathetic.

Not only that, but improved workplace well-being increases productivity and reduces employee turnover.

This is all to say that keeping your workforce healthy and productive is essential for a successful business. However, it can be difficult to know where to start.

So, we’ve created this comprehensive guide to look at some of the top benefits of workplace wellbeing initiatives. Ready to get started on your journey toward a healthier workspace? Read on.

What Is Workplace Wellbeing?

Workplace wellbeing refers to employees’ overall mental, emotional, and physical health and safety. It encompasses a variety of factors that impact an employee’s ability to:

  • Perform their job duties
  • Function within their work environment
  • Maintain a positive work-life balance

The goal is to contribute to employees’ overall well-being. These programs usually include initiatives such as the following:

  • Mental health support
  • Ergonomic workstations
  • Healthy eating options
  • Fitness programs

It doesn’t matter if you’re a small business or a large corporation. Workplace well-being programs positively impact your bottom line. Investing in workplace health promotion is always worth it.

Different Types of Well-Being

When discussing corporate wellness, most people seem to think it’s only about physical and mental health. However, corporate world experts have identified five types of well-being that are important for all employees.

  • Professional

This refers to an employee’s satisfaction and growth in the workplace. It includes opportunities for advancement and support for their mental and emotional health on a professional level.

  • Social

Social well-being focuses on establishing positive relationships with colleagues. It can include promoting team-building activities and communication. However, it’s mostly about encouraging a healthy work-life balance.

  • Financial

Do you help your employees manage their finances? If so, that’s a type of financial well-being. They want support for savings plans, financial counseling, debt management, and retirement planning.

  • Physical

As the name suggests, this relates to an employee’s physical health. It includes promoting regular exercise and healthy habits. However, it also includes ergonomic workspace design.

  • Community

Finally, community well-being is as important as the other four factors. Focusing on this means encouraging employee participation in local community initiatives. That could be through volunteer programs, for example. Overall, it promotes social responsibility and a sense of purpose beyond their work.

Benefits of Workplace Wellbeing

Now that you know the challenges of implementing corporate wellness programs, it’s time to explore the benefits. Healthy employees who are happy about their work are just one perk of these corporate programs. Here are five other benefits of workplace wellbeing.

1. Improved Productivity

Investing in workplace well-being can lead to more productive employees by making them feel supported, appreciated, and valued. Well-being initiatives can help lower stress levels and increase motivation. Some ways you can promote well-being and productivity include:

  • Providing ergonomic furniture
  • Offering healthy snacks
  • Allowing flexible hours
  • Offering mental health days
  • Hosting on-site fitness classes

When employees are happier and less stressed, they can focus better. This can lead to increased productivity. Ultimately, workplace well-being investments create a positive working environment that encourages higher job satisfaction and improved performance.

Why Good Health Creates Higher Productivity

It’s pretty easy to see why good employee health improves productivity levels. Healthy employees have more energy and suffer fewer injuries. They require fewer sick days, too.

Healthy people are stronger. And if their job does not involve brawn, they are more mentally acute. A healthy person can think better–and faster.

2. Reduced Employee Turnover

Half of employees submit their resignations in order to protect their mental health. It’s not hard to extrapolate that many more quit because of physical health issues.

Having too many employees quit leads to high turnover. High turnover is never good, no matter which sort of business you run. It means wasting countless HR resources to replenish your labor pool regularly.

The reasons people quit are multi-faceted, but health is absolutely a factor. If their workplace does not promote good health, that is one more reason for them to leave.

Why Good Health Keeps Employees Onboard

There could be any number of reasons. Employees may feel that their work is risking their health unnecessarily. Or, that their employer doesn’t make it a priority.

Whatever the reason, people with good health have less reason to quit. Promoting their healthy well-being is a surefire way to keep them from walking out the door.

Promoting Health for Employee Retention

Consider building a wellness plan. Ask your employees how you can improve their health in the workplace. Then implement some of these ideas into a wellness plan that they incorporate on a daily basis.

3. Lower Absentee Rates

Does your company struggle with his absentee rates? If so, you need to invest in wellness programs. A healthy, nourished staff is less likely to suffer from illnesses that require long periods away from work.

For example, providing nutritious options in the cafeteria or access to a gym can help avoid chronic conditions such as obesity, heart disease, and diabetes. These conditions may leave an employee unable to work for extended periods. This is what you want to avoid.

Furthermore, mental health services like counseling or yoga classes can reduce stress levels. The goal should be to create an environment where employees are more resilient against everyday illnesses like colds and cases of flu.

4. Workplace Loyalty

Investing in employee well-being can lead to stronger loyalty to your business. This means providing mental health support and flexible work arrangements. Doing so shows that their happiness and well-being are important to you.

How does this increase loyalty, though? When employees feel valued, they become more motivated and dedicated to their job. This makes them happier with their work and overall attitude toward the organization.

This increased loyalty can lead to employees staying with the business for a long time. It can even lead to them recommending it to others. Basically, they’ll act as brand ambassadors for your company.

5. Increased Innovation

Finally, ensuring employees are happy and healthy can increase business innovation. A positive work environment that encourages teamwork, creativity, and coming up with solutions can inspire employees to think up new and innovative ideas.

Plus, when employees feel good, they are more productive and can handle tough jobs. Investing in employee well-being can also boost their morale, job satisfaction, and how much they care about the job. As mentioned, this can help keep them at the company longer.

This saves the business money because happier workers mean more work gets done, and fewer workers quit. This means the cost of creating a good work environment is offset by workers being more productive and less likely to leave.

6. Higher Employee Morale

Oxford defines morale as, “the confidence, enthusiasm, and discipline of a person.” It’s safe to say that the American workforce is lacking in the first two. Approximately 85% of people hate their job.

Throughout history, leaders have struggled to maintain high morale among their men–whether troops or laborers. They knew that poor morale would produce followers that were slow to obey and quick to complain. In some extreme cases, low morale led to mutinies and insurrection.

While you don’t have to worry about those last two, this concept is still something to keep on your radar. Healthy morale does more than just make people a tad bit more cheerful when they clock in.

People yearn to do something they are passionate about. If they can’t do that, they at least want to feel satisfaction for their efforts. A common issue in the modern workplace is a lack of emotional payoff for a person’s labor.

Why Morale Benefits Your Business

It’s pretty easy to see why employee morale is good for business. Imagine a workforce of people who are neither enthusiastic nor confident. Sounds like the sort that would slump their shoulders and sigh heavily at the prospect of any task.

On the contrary, a group of employees with high morale has a spring in their step. They jump at the opportunity to get something done–and stick to it until it’s done right. Their productivity levels grow commensurate, too.

How Does Health Inspire Better Morale?

It’s pretty simple: healthier people are in a better mood. Morale is all about how you feel about your work. If you are fatigued, out of shape, and catching a cold, it’s quite challenging to smile about it.

There are any number of solutions. There may be a poor work-life balance. Overtime and long hours may prevent someone from walking or hitting the gym on schedule.

It’s your choice how you choose to tackle the problem. Regardless, the improved health of your employees will bring them back to the office with renewed enthusiasm and confidence.

Also Read:

6 Simple ways to Improve Employee Morale

7. Bringing Sick Days Back

We have a huge cultural problem with sick days. Many people are scared to take them and neglect their well-being in the process. To make matters worse, employers often browbeat people into staying on the clock.

Having sick employees at work is a terrible idea, no ifs, or buts. There is a higher chance that they will contaminate their coworkers with their sickness. Even if they don’t, their productivity and morale will plummet.

Why Sick Days Keep Employees Healthy

Contrary to what our society might make us believe, humans are not work machines. We need rest, relaxation, and leisure. If we don’t get these things in sufficient quantities, we will begin to break down.

Sick days give people a chance to recover and recharge. When they come back to the workplace, they are ready to tackle the job much better than before.

Create a Workplace Where Sick Days Are OK

Don’t make employees feel bad for taking a sick day. Don’t interrogate them about their reasons for taking it, either. Guilting employees for prioritizing their health will never go down well.

Unless someone is blatantly abusing their sick days, it’s a small price to pay. After all, paid sick days increase productivity, rather than take away from it.

There is an added benefit to creating a healthy workplace here, too. The healthier people are, the fewer sick days they will take. So if you prioritize their health, they may not even need those sick days in the first place.

Also Read: Top 5 Ways to Promote Wellbeing in the Workplace

Why Do Healthy Employees Perform Better?

Several studies and research have shown a positive correlation between employee health and performance. Here are some reasons why healthy employees tend to perform better:

  • Increased Energy and Stamina: Healthy employees often have higher energy levels and greater physical stamina, allowing them to sustain focus and productivity throughout the workday. Good physical health enables employees to perform tasks efficiently and effectively.
  • Enhanced Mental Focus and Clarity: Physical health is closely linked to mental well-being. When employees are in good physical health, they are more likely to experience mental clarity, improved concentration, and better cognitive function. This leads to increased productivity and higher-quality work.
  • Improved Stress Management: Healthy employees often have better coping mechanisms and resilience in dealing with work-related stress. Physical exercise, balanced nutrition, and self-care practices associated with good health can help reduce stress levels and enhance overall well-being. This, in turn, positively impacts job performance and decision-making abilities.

Also Read:

Top 10 Causes of Stress at Work

  • Enhanced Creativity and Problem-Solving: Good health supports mental agility and creativity. Healthy employees are more likely to approach challenges with innovative thinking and problem-solving skills. They can adapt to changing circumstances more effectively and contribute to the organization’s growth and success.
  • Increased Resilience and Adaptability: Maintaining good health helps employees build resilience, allowing them to bounce back from setbacks and adapt to new situations. Healthy employees are better equipped to handle work pressures, navigate changes, and maintain a positive attitude, which can positively impact their performance.

Final Thoughts

The greatest benefits of workplace wellbeing is that it help businesses more than they may realize. It boosts employee morale and productivity levels and may reduce their reliance on sick days. Most importantly, employee retention will never be higher, and employees will stay loyal for years to come.

Woliba is all about building a positive work culture and motivating employees. Request a demo and see how our services can change your workplace.

Additional Resources

Table of Contents


Employee Recognition

Wellness Challenges

Wellness Resources

Employee Engagement Surveys

Employee Coaching & Events

Employee Reward Management

Health Data Management


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