10 Strategies for Motivating Employees

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Strategies for Motivating Employees

10 Strategies for Motivating Employees

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woliba marketing team

Strategies for Motivating Employees


According to a surprising study conducted in 2016, about 70 percent of American workers admit that they’re not fully engaged in their jobs on a regular basis. As a result, the majority of these people sleepwalk through their days and simply go through the motions when they’re at work.

Do you suspect that some of your company’s employees might fall squarely into this category of people? If so, you should make motivating employees more of a priority as you inch closer to the new year.

It’s not always easy for companies to provide their employees with motivation in the workplace. But that shouldn’t stop you from working as hard as you can to increase employee motivation and improve your company’s culture in the process.

Here are 10 strategies for motivating employees that will actually work.


10 Simple Strategies for Motivating Employees


1. Inform Upper Management of the Importance of Employee Motivation

The first thing you should do before you start trying to go about motivating employees is to hold a meeting with upper management about the issue at hand. Your company’s CEO and all your other top-ranking employees need to fully understand how important employee motivation is.

If upper management is unaware of the issue, they might not see much sense in utilizing any of your strategies for motivating employees. So you should bring them on board with the idea to ensure you have their full support. It’ll increase the chances of them creating a budget so that you can put some of your strategies into place.


2. Recognize Key Employees in Regular Company-Wide Emails

One of the reasons that some people don’t work as hard as they could (and should!) at their place of work is because they don’t think it actually matters if they put forth any effort.

Whether they set a new record for monthly sales or fail to sell a single thing in a month, they receive the same amount of recognition. So why even bother going all out at work if no one is going to notice?

You can let your employees know that you do notice by creating a regular company-wide email that offers recognition to key employees. People will feel like their hard work is appreciated when you take the time to giv